African arts showcase at UC Berkeley

The spirit of Africa was alive at the African Arts Society's "Showcase" on November 20 at UC Berkeley.

No Cuts to Education - March 4 PSA

Berkeley City College Student Allison encourages students to come out for the March 4 Day of Action. Against Cuts Public Service AnnouncementsLearn more at AgainstCuts.o...

Kwanzaa: Umoja celebration in East Oakland

Oakland's Wo'se Church hosted Umoja, a Kwanzaa celebration, at the East Oakland Youth Development Center on December 26. This video features Jumoke Hodge, Greg Hodge, Kele, Rehema Bah, and many other community members celebrating Kwanzaa.More Kwanzaa photos and video at BayKwanzaa.Video by Reginald James/ for BayKwanz...

Don Reed's "East 14th" at Laney College

Oakland native Don Reed's one-man play "East 14th - Tales of a Reluctant Player" ends at Laney College this weekend.Reed, who did an exclusive interview with The Black Hour last year before the show screened at the Marsh in San Francisco, recently made this clip with the folks at Good News Oakland. Showtime for Friday, Feb. 26 and Saturday, Feb. 27 is 8:30 p.m.The video below sets up the scene for this coming of age tale about a shy teenager, growing up in 1970s Oakland caught between the extremes of a stepfather who is an ardent door-knocking...

Leon Powe's mentoring program gives Oakland youth Fresh Start

Photo: SFGate.comLeon Powe at Youth Basketball camp at Merritt College.By Terez McCallSpecial to TheBlackHour.comThe plight of foster children in the U.S. is well documented, and statistics paint a bleak picture of trauma and turmoil. More than 3,000 foster children reside in Alameda County alone, and over half of them will become homeless by their 18th birthday, according...

Negro Spirituals 'Miracle' at Laney College

Working without compensation in blazing hot sunlight from "can't see in the morning to can't see at night" under the atrocious conditions of slavery in North America, enslaved Africans endured the most brutal treatment known to humanity.To this day, the Black Church has remained a cornerstone institution in the African American community, with music being a major form of expression simultaneously capturing the Black Experience while releasing the frustrations of racial discrimination.But African American life is not just about pain and suffering,...

2/24: The Black Hour broadcasts live on 9th Floor Radio at 5 p.m.

The Black Hour Radio Show will broadcast live Wednesday, Feb. 24 from 5-7 p.m. on to new music from Sade, Ras Ceylon and Jasiri X and more. The Black Hour host Reginald James will also give plenty of news and updates affecting Laney College and Peralta Colleges students.After last month's show with musician Kev Choice, this month's show also features...

OPD, DA had no case against journalist

The arson case against Oakland journalist JR Valrey has been dismissed. Photo: East Bay ExpressValrey was covering the Jan. 7, 2009 Oscar Grant rebellion in downtown Oakland when he was tackled and arrested by Oakland Police. Valrey is an Associate Editor with the San Francisco Bay View newspaper as well as producer of Block Report Radio.Of the dozens of journalists there,...

African drumming, poetry at Oakland Black History Month Celebration

The Tabia African American Ensemble brought the pulsating rhythms of West African drums along with song and poetry to Laney College Weds. Feb. 16 for Black History Month. Tabia is a Swahili word that means "talented." Tabia was founded in 1985 and promotes African American culture through historical figures, drumming, poetry, song and storytelling. Adaku Davis performed poetry as a personified African continent while Arlene Sagun plays dru...

Ericka Huggins to speak at Laney College

Educator and activist Ericka Huggins, a former political prisoner and leader in the Black Panther Party will speak at Laney College Tuesday, Feb. 23. In 1969, at age 18, she became a leader in the Los Angeles chapter of the Black Panther Party with her husband John Huggins. Three weeks after the birth of their daughter, John Huggins was killed and Huggins was widowed. After...

Laney College hosts 'The History of Black Economic Empowerment'

Graphic: Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH)Join The Black Hour Thursday, Feb. 25 to discuss "The History of Black Economic Empowerment" at this year's, Black History Month Community Forum. History of Black Economic EmpowermentThe Black Hour Community ForumThursday, Feb. 25, 10:30-11:50 amLaney College E-207, Oakland, CAAn esteemed panel...

Race and Class: The Fight for Civil Rights in the Age of Obama

The Laney College Chapter of the Internationalist Socialist Organization (ISO) will host a public meeting and discussion on Race and Class in the Age of Obama Wednesday, Feb. 24 at Laney College in Oakland. Related Posts:Racism still plagues AmericaHaiti needs doctors, not marines"The American economy has gone through what has been called the great recession," Of Keeanga-Yamahtta...

Laney Black Student Union Talent Show

Can you sing, dance or rap? The Laney College Black Student Union (Laney BSU) will host a talent show Sunday, Feb. 21 in the Laney College Theater. Cash prizes for the winners. Admission is $5 for students, and $8 for General Admission.Doors open at 5:30 p.m. (No admissionafter 6:30 p.m.) For more information, contact DJ Ego. Laney College is located at 900 Fallon Street in...

Our People - Laney College Librarian Margaret Traylor

Laney College librarian and activist Margaret Traylor reads "Black Athena" as a part of the library's 2007 "READ poster" campai...

Cuts hurt poor in Alameda County

Photo: Flickr user God MonsterOn April 1, Alameda County will cut off General Assistance (GA) welfare leaving thousands of recipients without anything to live on for the rest of 2010. It is estimated that 7,000 people will be affected, as well as their families.Activists say Alameda County should reverse its decision to cut benefits. Steve Weiss of Bay Area Legal Aid writes...

East 14th - True Tales of a Reluctant Player at Oakland's Laney College

The Laney College Theater Department presents four shows of "East 14th: True Tales of a Reluctant Player" for its Oakland debut Friday, Feb. 10 through Saturday, Feb. 27. The one-man play features actor and comedian Don Reed telling his coming of age story in 1970s Oakland. Friday and Saturday evening showtimes are 8:30 p.m. "Players under 17 are not admitted." $10 student...

REVIEW: Sade's 'Soldier of Love'

Sixth studio album worth the waitEditors Note: The following is an excerpt from a recent Laney Tower review of Sade's new album, "Soldier of Love.By Tracey TateSpecial to'Soldier of Love'★ ★ ★ ★ ★-The Black Hour Sade plays with us. She toys with our affections. She's here, and then she disappears. She lulls us in with her rhythms, pulsations, lyrical stories...

COA Children's Center Closing

Photo: COA Children's CenterParents attending Peralta Colleges face another obstacle in the path towards education. At the Jan. 26 Board of Trustees meeting, Interim Vice-Chancellor of Educational Services Dr. Wise Allen announced a proposal to close the College of Alameda Children’s Center."In order to operate within the budget in the childcare program," Dr. Allen said,...

Black Theater Ensemble at Laney College

Laney College will host the Tabia African-American Theatre Ensemble on Wednesday, February 17. The Black History Month performance will feature Black History through historical figures, poetry, song and dance. Tabia, which means "talented" in Swahili, performed at Laney College's Pre-Kwanzaa celebration in December. The event will take place from 11am-noon in Room D-200 at Laney College in Oakland. Other Laney College Black History Month Even...

Green for All's Julian McQueen to speak at Laney College

Continuing the dynamic series of Black History Month events, Laney College hosts "The Road Map to Green Jobs for African Americans" Tuesday, Feb. 16. Featured speaker Julian McQueen is currently the Program Manager at Green for All. An Oakland native, McQueen graduated from San Francisco State University. He was previously an organizer with the League of Young Voters."He trains...

Black Panther Emory Douglas headlines Oakland 100 Benefit

Black Panther Minister of Culture Emory Douglas headlines a fundraiser for the remaining defendants of the Oakland 100 on Tuesday, Feb. 16 in West Oakland. The Oakland 100 is the name for the over 100 people who were arrested during the Jan. 7, 2009 Oscar Grant Rebellion in downtown Oakland. The demonstration has been widely credited with leading to the arrest of former BART...

First Public Hearing on Toxic Triangle of Oakland, Richmond and San Francisco at Allen Temple Baptist Church

Photo: Communities for a Better Environment (CBE)Black and brown, and low-income communities bare the brunt of environmental impacts, and environmental laws are rarely enforced equally. As a community wake up call to environmental racism, the Toxic Triangle Coalition will hold a public hearing Saturday, Feb. 13 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Allen Temple Baptist Church in Oakland....

VIDEO: Anti-racist activist Tim Wise speaks at Laney College in Oakland

Photo: Flickr user Black HourTim Wise discussing White Privilege and Racism in the Obama age.Anti-racist writer and activist Tim Wise discussed racism and white privilege in the age of President Obama at Laney College Feb. 3.Wise said that even with the election of President Barack Obama, America is still plagued by racism, and that Obama's election has increased white resentment...

Activists to BART: Take responsibility, don't blame Oscar Grant's friends for his death

BART Board MeetingThursday, Feb. 119 a.m.344 20th Street at Harrison StOakland, CAActivists unhappy with BART recently blaming Oscar Grant's friends for his death plan to protest the BART Board of Director's meeting Thursday, Feb. 11. A rally and press conference was held Wednesday, Feb. 10 at Fruitvale BART.BART attorney Dale Allen told the Sacramento Bee that BART will "vigorously...

Community speaks out against BART's attack on Oscar Grant's friends

Activists continues to demand "Justice for Oscar Grant"BART will not be allowed to demean Oscar Grant's friends and blame them for his murder, activists said. A community rally and family press conference was was held Wednesday, Feb. 10 at the Fruitvale BART station in Oakand after the "unsettled-settlement agreement."Grant was shot and killed by BART police officer Johannes Mehserle on Jan. 1, 2009. Last month, BART announced it had reached a $1.5 million settlement agreement for Grant's daughter, Tatianna. After media reports suggested that Grant's...

The Unsettling Settlement: Minister Keith Muhammad demands Justice for Oscar Grant

Note: The remarks below were delivered at the Wednesday, Feb. 10 community rally and press conference at the Fruitvale BART Station in Oakland. The rally was called following recent media reports, and statements by attorney John Burris, who represents the family of Oscar Grant, that "jeopardized" BART's $1.5 million settlement with the family for BART police officer Johannes Mehserle shooting and killing Grant.By Minister Keith MuhammadSpecial Guest BlogOn January 1st, 2009, BART officer Johannes Mehserle responded to a call at Fruitvale BART where...

Jakada Imani to speak at Laney College

Jakada Imani, Executive Director of the Oakland-based Ella Baker Center will speak at Laney College Tuesday Feb. 9 as a part of the campus' Black History Month activities. Imani will speak in room E-207 from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Photo: The Oakb...

The Black Hour featured in Laney Tower

The Black Hour was featured in the latest issue of the Laney Tower newspaper. Photo: Flickr user article talks about 9th Floor Radio, the radio station on which The Black Hour broadcasts monthly and various programs on the station. "Shows such as "The Black Hour" produced by Reginald James feature discussions fueled by current events and local guests,...

Attorney John Burris confronts BART's attack on Oscar Grant's friends

Photo: IndyBayBART has breached confidentiality and is lying to criminalize and endanger the lives of Oscar Grant's friends who were on the Fruitvale platform when he was murdered last New Year's Day by a BART police officer. The transit agency wants to undermine a civil rights lawsuit against the agency, according to the family's attorney. Just one week ago, BART announced...

Poetry at West Oakland Library

The West Oakland Library is hosting the 20th African American Celebration through Poetry. Poets of all ages - especially those sharing their work for the first time - are encouraged to participate. The event takes place Saturday, Feb. 6, 2010 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. at the West Oakland Branch Library, 1801 Adeline Street. Admission is free. More information at (510) 238-7352 or...

Oakland girl, Afua Vinson missing

UPDATE: Afua is home safely, according to the family.Fifteen year old Oakland girl Afua Ayana Vinson has been missing for over 24 hours. She was last on getting on the AC Transit Line 15 bus at 58th and Martin Luther King heading towards downtown Oakland Wed. Feb 3 at 9:30 p.m., according to her family. Vinson is African American, has brown eyes and a Black curly weave. She...

Lupe Fiasco - "I'm Beamin" - Music Monday

This week's Music Monday: Lupe Fiasco's "I'm Beamin" off the upcoming album, "Laser...

Rosa Parks would be 97 years old today

Today would be Rosa Parks 97th birthday. Photo: NYTimes.comIn the Jim Crow south of 1955, everything was segregated; school, church, restaurants, hotels and public transportation. Black people had to sit on the back of the bus, and if a white person wanted their seat, they'd have to give it up. In Montgomery, Alabama on December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks decided she'd had enough....

Tim Wise: Racism still plagues America

Even with the election of President Barack Obama, America is still plagued by racism, according to author and activist Tim Wise.Photo: Reginald James/ TheBlackHour.comAbout 150 people packed Laney College's Room D-200 Wednesday, Feb. 3 to hear the Black History Month lecture based on Wise’s most recent book, “Between Barack and a Hard Place: Racism and White Denial in the...

Haiti: Don't hate me because I'm Black

Editor's Note: The following is an excerpt from a new column in the Laney Tower newspaper, "Back to Black." The column is written by The Black Hour producer Reginald James. Be sure to visit for the complete scoop.An estimated 200,000 people have died after the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that devastated the island nation of Haiti on Jan. 12. One million people are homeless, according to the U.N. and untold numbers of children are now orphaned.This natural disaster is rooted in the economic and military intervention by those who hate...

Laney: Haiti Needs Doctors not Marines

U.S. Marines during 2004 coupPhoto: Socialist ViewpointThe Laney College Black Student Union and the International Socialist Organization are hosting a Public Meeting and Discussion on Haiti Wed. Feb. 3. "Come find out the truth about the U.S. government’s responsibility for the poverty in Haiti that has transformed the earthquake into a human catastrophe, and why sending...

Haiti Celebration and Teach In in Oakland

Celebrate the history, culture and contributions of Haiti while learning about its continued resistance from slavery to the present.If you are a teacher or work with young people, come thru. This event is to give political context to Haiti through interactive and artistic activities: we cannot let mainstream media dictate how young people see and understand Haiti!Libete: Haiti...

Tim Wise to speak at Laney College

Read story on Wise at Laney CollegeWednesday, Feb. 311 a.m. to Noon, Room D-200Anti-racist writer and activist Tim Wise will speak at Laney College Wednesday, Feb. 3. Wise will discuss his recent book, "Between Barack and a Hard Place: Racism and White Denial in the Age of Obama."Wise also the author of White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged...

Black History Month Begins at Laney College

Laney College kicked off Black History Month February 1 on the main quad. Photo: TheBlackHour.comThe event began with a Lift E’ry Voice and Sing – the Black National Anthem – performed members of the Laney Black Student Union. The quad was decorated with red, black and green balloons.African American Studies professor Tamika Brown, chair of the Ethnic Studies department, discussed...

Laney College 2010 Black History Month Events

Below is a calendar of Black History Month events taking place at Laney College. Laney College is located at 900 Fallon Street near Lake Merritt BART. The campus is accessible by AC Transit bus lines 1, 1R, 11, 18, 40, 59, 62 and 88.LANEY COLLEGEBlack History Month Jump OffJump Off National Anthem Speaker: Dr.WebbMonday, February 1, 11:30a-1pmBlack National Anthem, Keynote Speaker: Dr. Elnora Webb and BSU Group "THe Truth"Location: Main QuadBetween Barack and a Hard Place: Challenging Racism, Privilege and Denial in the Age of ObamaWednesday, February...

Merritt College 2010 Black History Month Events

Below is a calendar of Black History Month events taking place at Merritt College. Merritt is located at 12500 Campus Dr and is accessible by AC Transit bus line 54.MERRITT COLLEGEMerritt College, ASMC Presents:Celebrating the Roots of Our CultureBlack History Month, 2010Embracing Our Heritage: A Grand Kick-Off CelebrationTuesday February 2, 11am-1pmR-110 Newton/Seale Student LoungeMinister Greg Hodges (Wose), African Drum and Dance and Libations to our AncestorsKeynote Address: Prof. Manu Ampim“When You Study Africa, You Study the World: Celebrating...

The History of Black Economic Empowerment

Graphic: Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH)Editor's Note: The following message about Black History Month is from the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), the organization founded by Carter G. Woodson. It speaks to the 2010 Black History Month Theme: "The History of Black Economic Empowerment." The need...

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