African arts showcase at UC Berkeley

The spirit of Africa was alive at the African Arts Society's "Showcase" on November 20 at UC Berkeley.

Past Shows

2009.nobr br {display:none}Season 4Season 3SEPTEMBER- No episodeJUNEManu Ampim, special set by DJ Erik Waverly AUGUSTGuest: Kemba Shakur & Jackson DeLonzo Ellis (Mr. JE)MAYGuest: Refa Senay & Idris HassanJULYGuest: Marvin X APRILNehanda Imara, Scraper Bike King, Mark Hall & VirtuousMARCHWanda Sabir & Malika UbakaFEBRUARYMin. Keith Muhammad, Ryan Nicole PetersJANUARYJumoke Hinton Hodge, Chuck Johnson2008.nobr br {display:none}Season 2Season 1DECEMBERSup. Keith Carson & FiyawataJULYDr. Carole Ward-Allen & Baayan BakariNOVEMBERDr....

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History of The Black Hour

The Black Hour began as a project of the Laney Black Student Union (Laney BSU). The purpose was to give Black students at Laney college a forum to voice their issues. The first episodes featured student-led discussions on topics ranging from the Presidential Elections to Black male and female relationships.The second season had Laney College students Andrea "Drea Mos" Spearman and Reginald "Brother Reggie" James sharing the mic duties interviewing educators, elected officials and local activists. Drea Mos returned to school, and Brother Reggie...


The Black Hour is an internet radio show produced by Black students at Laney College in Oakland. The show's original description on 9th Floor Radio states, "The Black Hour sheds light on the voices of Laney's Black students, taking them from the abyss of silence to the glow of empowerment."The two-hour show airs every fourth Wednesday from 5-7 p.m. (PST) on 9th Floor Rad...


Email: The Black HourTwitter: @BlackHourFacebook:



Episode Guide

Upcoming Episodes May 2009Past EpisodesApril 2009 - The Black Hour 'goes green'Guests: Nehanda Imara, community organizer with Communities for a Better Environment (CBE); Virtuous, rapper; Baby Champ, the "Scraper Bike King", entrepreneur and rapper; Mark Hall, Oakland Parks and Recreation Capitol Projects; Bhret Skipper, Berkeley City College recycling intern.March 2009 -...

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