A New Petition: Delete the N-word

Ten-year old Jonathan E. McCoy presents his petition to "Delete the N-word" at a Baltimore church during Black History Month. This young man wants you to stop using the N-Word.

"Negro. African American. Noir. Nero. Mohagany. Ebony. Nubian. Black. All of these words have the same meaning. Negro is a spanish noun descending from the word, Niger, meaning Black. Somewhere in history, it was translated to the N-word by those who refer to use as economically, politically and social disenfranchised." he begins.

"Rather than obliterate this disrespectful phrase, we have adopted it. Let me dispell the myth. As a people we are neither economically, politically nor socially disenfranchised," McCoy said.

"It is implausible, that 40 years after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that we still use this word that has no worth in our lives and our future," he proclaims. "So I'm petitioning you to delete the N-word from our vocabulary."

He then ends his presentation with a new voice to the Negro National Anthem, "Lift E'ry Voice and Sing."
Check out his video online or support his petition.

Have you stopped using the N-word? How do you react when you hear people say it? Black folks? What about non-Black folks?

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