Credit: Nia Media
If someone asks you today, "Habari Ghani?" respond by saying, "Kujichagualia." Yes, you can say it too. (koo-jee-cha-ga-leah).
After lighting The Black Candle of Umoja last night, Kwanzaacontinues today on the theme of "Self-Determination."Kujichagulia(Self-Determination), the second principle of Kwanzaa, means "To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves."
Be sure to vist Bay Area Kwanzaa ( for today's Kwanzaa events in the Bay Area.
Kwanzaa celebrations are taking place in San Francisco, Vallejo Oakland this afternoon, along with the annual Kwanzaa event in Vallejo by the Nairobi Cultural Committee.
Kwanzaa: Kujichagulia
Sunday, December 27, 2009
The Black Hour